The OPTIMIZE trial: Rationale and design of a randomized controlled trial of motivational enhancement therapy to improve adherence to statin medication

Can-Change members Drs. Kim Lavoie and Tavis Campbell contributed to this manuscript which describes the rational and design of a randomized controlled trial testing the efficacy of motivational interviewing (MInt) in improving adherence to statin medication. The primary outcome is change in MPR adherence to statin medication from baseline to 12-months. Secondary outcomes include within-patient change in self-reported medication adherence, stage of change and self-efficacy for medication adherence, motivation to adhere to statin medication, and lipid profile.

Enablers of Physician Prescription of a Long-Term Asthma Controller in Patients with Persistent Asthma

This study aimed to identify key enablers of physician prescription of a long-term controller in patients with persistent asthma. We concluded that tools and training to improve physician knowledge, skills, and perception towards long-term ICS and resources that increase patient adherence and physician comfort to facilitate long-term ICS prescription should be considered as targets for implementation. Can-Change members Dr Kim Lavoie and Dr. Simon Bacon contributed to this article.

Comment on Pladevall et al’s 2015 publication in The Diabetes Educator

Comment calling attention to the need for health professionals to be trained in motivational interviewing (MI) due to it being a highly complex clinical skill taking considerable time to learn and master and how health professionals trained in MI also require ongoing training and supervision. Can-Change members Dr. Tavis Campbell, Dr. Simon Bacon, Dr. Kim Corace, Dr. Kim L. Lavoie, and Dr. Michael Vallis contributed to this article.

Adherence to Antihypertensive Medications: Current Status and Future Directions

Despite the proven clinical efficacy of antihypertensive medications to control BP, approximately half of treated patients are nonadherent. Barriers to antihypertensive medication adherence are numerous and include patient-related, provider-related, therapy-related, and system-related influences. This review, authored in part by Can-Change members Dr. Kim Lavoie and Dr. Tavis Campbell summarizes the current understanding of the prevalence and impact of the failure to adhere to the medical management of hypertension. Factors linked to improved adherence and studies that assessed strategies to improve adherence are also summarized.