Members of Can-Change A. Dragomir, V. Gosselin-Boucher, C. Laurin, K. Lavoie, and S. Bacon are seeking strategies to support health care professionals on how to address vaccine hesitancy are needed. They developed a 4-h Motivational Communication (MC) training program tailored to help physicians address hesitancy related to influenza vaccination among patients living with rheumatoid arthritis. The program increased MC competency among rheumatology physicians and promoted behavioral change among patients.
Tag: laurin
Impact of cognitive-behavioral interventions on weight loss and psychological outcomes: A meta-analysis
This study, which involved Can-Change members Dr. Kim Lavoie, Dr. Catherine Laurin and Dr. Simon Bacon, sought to examine the effects of cognitive-behavioral therapy weight loss (CBTWL) interventions on weight loss and psychological outcomes in adults with overweight or obesity. Whereas current evidence suggests that CBTWL is an efficacious therapy for increasing cognitive restraint and reducing emotional eating, CBTWL does not seem to be superior to other interventions for decreasing depressive symptoms.
L’entretien motivationnel et les changements de comportements en santé
L’entretien motivationnelle consiste à encourager le patient à exprimer ou à verbaliser son ambivalence face au changement de comportements afin de la résoudre à l’aide de stratégies motivationnelles et cognitivo-comportementales. Cet article, auquel deux membres du Can-Change (Dre Kim Lavoie et Dre Catherine Laurin) décrit les bases théoriques de l’entretien motivationnel (EM) et les applications pratiques de cette approche.
Effects of pulmonary rehabilitation on quality of life in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients
Pulmonary rehabilitation plays a key role in the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This review, authored in part by Can-Change members Dr. Kim Lavoie and Dr. Catherine Laurin describes the state of knowledge over the past year concerning HRQoL benefits after pulmonary rehabilitation and suggests avenues for future research.
Can-Change Member Dr. Catherine Laurin presents at the 2015 CPA Conference
Dr. Laurin presented four different workshops: Advanced Workshop on Motivational Communication Skills for Health Behaviour Change; Canadian Network for Health Behaviour Change and Promotion: Challenges and Opportunities; Positive Impact of Healthcare Autonomy Support on Patient Motivation and Adherence to Asthma Medication; and Effect of Panic Attacks on Exacerbations in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.