Behavioural interventions targeting physical activity improve psychocognitive outcomes in COPD

This study, led by Can-Change Chair Dr. Kim Lavoie, explored the impact of a self-management behaviour modification (SMBM) programme with/without bronchodilators and with/without exercise training (ExT) to improve daily physical activity on psychological and cognitive outcomes in COPD patients as a secondary analysis of the PHYSACTO trial. Anxiety reduced with increased physical activity, cognitive function improved with increased exercise capacity, and depression reduced with increases in either physical activity or exercise capacity. Interventions that increase daily physical activity or exercise capacity may improve psychological and cognitive outcomes in COPD.

Behaviour-change intervention in a multicentre, randomised, placebo-controlled COPD study: methodological considerations and implementation

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is generally progressive and associated with reduced physical activity. Both pharmacological therapy and exercise training are often not sufficient to change the amount of daily physical activity a patient undertakes. Behaviour-change self-management programmes are designed to address this, including setting motivational goals and providing social support. Can-Change member Dr. Kim Lavoie and colleagues present and discuss the necessary methodological considerations when integrating behaviour-change interventions into a multicentre study.

Effects of pulmonary rehabilitation on quality of life in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients

Pulmonary rehabilitation plays a key role in the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This review, authored in part by Can-Change members Dr. Kim Lavoie and Dr. Catherine Laurin describes the state of knowledge over the past year concerning HRQoL benefits after pulmonary rehabilitation and suggests avenues for future research.

Comprehensive Self-Management Strategies

Review of the literature on self-management interventions and giving thought to how, when, and by whom they should be offered to patients. Proper self-management support is a basic prerequisite and self-management interventions need to target enhancing intrinsic motivation to change through client-centered communication (motivational communication). To be able to design and implement self-management interventions that are integrated, coherent, and have a strong likelihood of success, a more careful look is needed at the case manager, the patient (patient evaluation), and the quality assurance. Can-Change member Dr. Kim Lavoie contributed to this article.

Can-Change Member Dr. Catherine Laurin presents at the 2015 CPA Conference

Dr. Laurin presented four different workshops: Advanced Workshop on Motivational Communication Skills for Health Behaviour Change; Canadian Network for Health Behaviour Change and Promotion: Challenges and Opportunities; Positive Impact of Healthcare Autonomy Support on Patient Motivation and Adherence to Asthma Medication; and Effect of Panic Attacks on Exacerbations in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.