2016 IBTN International Conference (May 19 to 21, 2016 in Montréal)
A great opportunity to hear from field leaders who will be offering a series of interactive workshops which will include practical support and advice.
Critères pour évaluer la qualité des essais cliniques dans le domaine de l’exercice
Grégory Moullec, PhD (Université de Montréal)
Workshop held in French
Smoking cessation interventions in clinical practice 2016: Contemporary issues and challenges
Bob Reid, PhD (University of Ottawa Heart Institute)
Workshop held in English
Motivational Communication to improve lifestyle counselling in patients with chronic disease
Kim Lavoie, PhD (Université du Québec à Montréal)
Workshop held in English
La communication motivationnelle pour améliorer les habitudes de vie chez les patients ayant des maladies chroniques
Catherine Laurin, PhD (Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur de Montréal)
Workshop held in French
Estimating the effect size and target eligibility criteria in behavioral clinical trials
Peter Kaufmann, PhD (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute) and Kenneth Freedland, PhD (Washington University)
Workshop held in English
Why won’t they listen? Evidence-based interventions to improve treatment adherence
Tavis Campbell, PhD (University of Calgary) and Codie Rouleau, PhD Candidate (University of Calgary)
Workshop held in English
How to land your dream job: Career development tips for students and trainees
Nicola Paine, PhD (Concordia University) and Amanda Rossi, PhD (McGill University)
Workshop held in English
Optimization of Behavioral Interventions Using the Multiphase Optimization Strategy (MOST)
Linda Collins, PhD (Penn State University)
Workshop held in English
Démystification de l’hypnose clinique et son utilisation avec la TCC
Ghassan El-Baalbaki, PhD (Université du Québec à Montréal)
Workshop held in French
Cessation tabagique auprès de populations à haut risque
Joseph Erban, Smoking Cessation Counsellor (Jewish General Hospital)
Workshop held in French