Members of Can-Change A. Dragomir, V. Gosselin-Boucher, C. Laurin, K. Lavoie, and S. Bacon are seeking strategies to support health care professionals on how to address vaccine hesitancy are needed. They developed a 4-h Motivational Communication (MC) training program tailored to help physicians address hesitancy related to influenza vaccination among patients living with rheumatoid arthritis. The program increased MC competency among rheumatology physicians and promoted behavioral change among patients.
Étiquette : bacon
Rethinking How to Expand the Evidence Base for Health Behavior Change in Cardiovascular Disease Prevention
Can-Change executive members K. Lavoie, S. Bacon and T.S. Campbell are leading a study to examine a tailored, technology-supported intervention aimed at increasing physical activity in healthcare professionals. The study will evaluate if additional theory-based behaviour change techniques used to promote motivation, self-regulation and habit can support increased physical activity participation relative to information alone.
Impact of cognitive-behavioral interventions on weight loss and psychological outcomes: A meta-analysis
This study, which involved Can-Change members Dr. Kim Lavoie, Dr. Catherine Laurin and Dr. Simon Bacon, sought to examine the effects of cognitive-behavioral therapy weight loss (CBTWL) interventions on weight loss and psychological outcomes in adults with overweight or obesity. Whereas current evidence suggests that CBTWL is an efficacious therapy for increasing cognitive restraint and reducing emotional eating, CBTWL does not seem to be superior to other interventions for decreasing depressive symptoms.
Evaluation of Communication Skills Among Physicians: A Systematic Review of Existing Assessment Tools
The importance of physician training in communication skills for motivating patients to adopt a healthy life-style and optimize clinical outcomes is increasingly recognized. This study, led by Can-Change trainee Vincent Gosselin Boucher, inventoried and systematically reviewed the psychometric properties of, and the skills assessed by, existing assessment tools used to evaluate communication skills among physicians.
An international Delphi consensus study to define motivational communication in the context of developing a training program for physicians
Training physicians to improve their behavior change counseling/communication skills is important, yet the evidence for the efficacy and acceptability of existing training programs is lacking and there is little consensus on the core competencies that physicians should master in the context of NCD management. The purpose of this study, led by a number of Can-Change members including Anda Dragomir, Vincent Gosselin Boucher and Drs Simon Bacon and Kim Lavoie, is to generate an acceptable, evidence-based, stakeholder-informed list of the core communication competencies that physicians should master in the context of NCD management.