Dans l’esprit de notre but de garder le public informé des nouveaux développements dans le domaine des interventions visant le changement des comportements de santé, nous partageons ici le travail des membres du Can-Change ayant capté l’attention des médias.
Notez bien que les articles sont présentés dans la langue originale dans laquelle ils ont été publiés.
février 5, 2022
Hope for Canadians struggling with weight and obesity issues
Dr. Stephen Glazer and Can-Change member Dr. Michael Vallis have undertaken an international survey that will help them learn more about patient needs during the pandemic and help them shape the medical care of people living with obesity as we move forward through this new era of medicine.
Can-Change member Dr. Michael Vallis was awarded the Charles H. Best Award by Diabetes Canada in recognition of his work making a significant difference towards improving the quality of life of individuals living with diabetes.
Recent WHO Bulletin Special Issue on Behavioural and Social Science for better health, featuring articles from the members of the WHO Technical Advisory Group for Behavioural Insights and Science.
Dre Joanne Liu de l'École de santé des populations et de santé mondiale de l'Université McGill signe un article d'opinion dans Le Devoir pour faire appel à plus de leadership de la part des milieux universitaires pour la rentrée.
août 16, 2021
Free webinar on COVID-19 vaccination in Canada
Free public webinar for healthcare practitioners about COVID-19 vaccination addressing topics from vaccine safety and efficacy, vaccine mixing, boosters, and hesitancy.
Episode 5 of the COVID Quotes podcast series, designed to help healthcare practioners (HCPs) help their patients with COPD live better, talks with Dr. Simon Bacon about addressing COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy.
Aimed to create a national network for better researching and responding to the global threat COVID-19 variants pose will enable the real-time assessment of both the immune response to the virus variants and whether these variants are resistant to existing vaccines. The findings will provide decision makers with guidance regarding drug therapy, vaccine effectiveness, and other public health strategies.
mars 1, 2021
Can-Change member Dr. Kim Corace applauds new Eastern Ontario access to mental health initiative
The AccessMHA initiative brings together numerous organizations and partners to streamline the process for those seeking help. “We need to make sure that when people are reaching out, that they know where to go," says Dr. Corace.
février 11, 2021
CanChange member Dr. Gary Garber testifies before Ontario’s independent commission into long-term care
Dr. Gary Garber, former medical director of infection prevention and control at Public Health Ontario, told the Ontario long-term care commission that the agency had significant infection prevention and control expertise but that they did not go to long-term care homes suffering from the earliest outbreaks in the province — some of which became among the deadliest — over bureaucratic concerns.
décembre 16, 2020
Dre Kim Lavoie – Chaire de recherche du Canada de niveau 1 en médecine comportementale
Basées dans son centre de recherche et de formation dédié, le Centre de médecine comportementale de Montréal (CMCM), les recherches de Dre Lavoie contribueront à générer des données empiriques actuellement absentes sur l’efficacité des approches et à soutenir le développement d’outils valides et fiables d’évaluation des compétences en CM.
novembre 10, 2020
Soins psychosociaux du diabète – Série de balados
Medicine Matters Diabetes met en lumière l'impact des problèmes psychosociaux sur les soins du diabète dans une série de sept balados. Les principaux thèmes discutés comprennent le traitement de la détresse liée au diabète, l'impact psychologique de l'hypoglycémie, l'utilisation des technologie pour le diabète, la prise de médicaments optimale et conforme, le désengagement envers le diabète et l'impact psychosocial de la COVID-19 chez les patients diabétiques.
NCI’s Behavioral Research Program is accepting letters of interest from scientists interested in joining the Health Behaviors Research Branch as a Program Director.
décembre 19, 2018
Les antidépresseurs, bons pour la tête et le cœur
Une étude observationnelle menée par la Dre Kim Lavoie a montré une forte diminution du risque de troubles cardiaques chez les patients sous antidépresseurs. L’étude avait pour but de favoriser le dépistage systématique des troubles dépressifs chez les personnes avec des troubles en santé cardiaque.
Can-Change trainee Anda Dragomir receives top trainee prize at the CRRN's annual meeting for her work on physician training in behaviour change counselling and motivational communication.
septembre 11, 2017
Symptoms of Anxiety and Heart Disease May Overlap in Women
In this study, anxiety disorders were present in subjects without previously diagnosed heart disease yet they were the ones with more ischemia. This suggests that these women likely HAD heart disease that just hadn’t been diagnosed yet. The reason might have been because their anxiety disorder may have been masking symptoms of heart disease because many of them overlap (e.g., fatigue, decreased energy, heart palpitations, sweating, chest discomfort, hyperventilation, and fear/worry). This could lead physicians to misinterpret symptoms of real heart disease as those of anxiety in women >>> via MedicalResearch.com - February 26, 2016
Écoutez les discours de la Dre. Kim Lavoie et du Dr. Simon Bacon durant la Marche pour la sciences de Montréal en avril 2017 (vidéos)
juillet 10, 2017
Can-Change Member Dr. Kim Corace talks about her work as Inspiration Award Recipient
Video interview posted by Royal Talks in March 2015. Dr. Kim Corace demonstrates how research and science inform clinical practice and lead to improved quality of care. >>> via YouTube - March 2015
avril 8, 2017
Quand les mauvaises habitudes rendent malade
Les maladies chroniques ont beaucoup de facteurs de risque comportementaux et psychologiques communs, dont le tabagisme, la mauvaise alimentation, l’inactivité physique, la sédentarité, la surconsommation d’alcool et le stress. Extrêmement répandues à l’échelle planétaire, les maladies chroniques sont des affections de longue durée qui évoluent avec le temps. D’après l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), elles sont responsables du plus haut taux de mortalité dans le monde. >>> via Le Devoir - 8 avril 2017
février 1, 2017
Comment mieux prévenir les maladies chroniques
Entretien (fil audio) avec Dre Kim Lavoie en février 2017 diffusé sur Canal M.
Ignoring symptoms of a disease with a high mortality rate is a surprisingly common phenomenon, says Dr. Kim Lavoie, co-director of the Montreal Behavioural Medicine Centre and a psychology professor at the University of Quebec at Montreal. Studies have shown the different ways it manifests – from using humour, to outright refusal to acknowledge that an illness might exist.
Ignoring symptoms of a disease with a high mortality rate is a surprisingly common phenomenon, says Dr. Kim Lavoie. “People will cognitively avoid things they don’t want to be real; it’s a natural defense mechanism,” she says. Studies have shown the different ways it manifests – from using humour, to outright refusal to acknowledge that an illness might exist. >>> via Chatelaine - January 16, 2017
décembre 5, 2016
L’UQAM félicite Kim Lavoie sur son élection au Collège de nouveaux chercheurs et créateurs en art et en science de la SRC
Écoutez le court vidéo-reportage avec un entretien avec la Dre Kim Lavoie publié le 5 décembre 2016 >>> via YouTube
mars 30, 2016
Apprivoiser sa maladie, avec Kim Lavoie
Facteur de stress considérable, la maladie chronique peut avoir plus d'impact sur l'état psychologique du patient que sur sa santé physique. Scientifique du Centre de recherche de l'Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal, Kim Lavoie connaît les facteurs de risques et les moyens d'éviter la dépression chronique. Écouter le fil audio. >>> via Radio-Canada.ca - 3 avril 2016
février 23, 2016
Anxiety may influence a woman’s heart during exercise
In women, blood flow to the heart during exercise testing may be influenced by anxiety, while the same does not appear to be true for men, according to results reported in the annual women’s themed issue of Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. Overall, reduced blood flow – called ischemia – was more common in men than in women, and anxiety disorders weren’t generally linked to higher or lower risk of ischemia. >>> via Reuters - February 23, 2016
février 23, 2016
Anxiety in Women May Mask Heart Disease Symptoms, Researchers Say
Women with an anxiety disorder may have less blood going to their heart when exercising, according to a new study -- and researchers suggest doctors may sometimes miss signs of heart disease in these women. Study author Kim Lavoie says the findings may indicate that anxiety symptoms such as chest discomfort or palpitations -- which can overlap those of heart disease -- may mask heart disease in women. >>> via HealthDay News - February 23, 2016
janvier 11, 2016
Toronto Rehab program targets people at high risk of getting cancer
The idea behind the 12-week Acceleration Program is to employ the tools of cardiac rehab, primarily education and exercise, before an illness develops, a sort of pre-hab, rather than rehab. It steers away from a didactic, just “do it,” approach, explains behavioural change expert Simon Bacon. Instead, it focuses on participants’ reasons for wanting to change. It emphasizes small achievable goals. “Success breeds success,” says Bacon. >>> via The Toronto Star - January 11, 2016