Talk to be presented by Can-Change member C.R. Rouleau at the Canadian Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (CACPR) Annual Meeting (October 20-22, 2017)
Catégorie : Formations, ateliers et conférences
A Conversation about Addiction and Treatment: What Does the Science Say?
Can-Change member Dr. Kim Corace speaks alongside other professionals about addiction and treatment as part of the Recovery Day Ottawa events on September 23, 2017.
Why Don’t People Listen? How Motivational Communication Can Improve Cancer Management and Adherence
Presented by Dr. Kim Lavoie on June 24, 2017 at the Urology Nurses of Canada Conference in Toronto
How to develop and test behavioural interventions and the potential impact of changing behaviours in patients with asthma
Presentation reviewing the most recent advances in how to develop and test behavioural interventions, with an emphasis on new frameworks which have been proposed. These are then discussed in terms of two research streams in adult patients with asthma which have used these frameworks. The first stream has culminated in a behavioural randomized controlled trial assessing a structure exercise intervention (66 patients randomised to exercise or usual care). The second stream describes the development and impact of a behavioural weight management intervention (20 patients all undergoing a version of the intervention).
Mieux vivre avec les maladies chroniques: Essayer la médecine comportementale!
Présenté par Dre. K.L. Lavoie lors du Colloque Ma santé, Cancer-Aide Lanaudiere, samedi 29 octobre 2017, 11h-12h