Diabetes Jeopardy: A Medley of Topics

Diabetes Educator Section South Saskatchewan Chapter
April 29, 2016
Jacqui Shumiatcher Theatre
Conexus Arts Centre
Regina, Saskatchewan

Keynote speaker, Dr. Kim Lavoie, PhD, will discuss how motivational communication skills can improve adherence and client outcomes in chronic disease management. This interactive workshop will help participants identify the most common communication traps and provide insight on how to engage patients and overcome resistance.

Bill Semchuck, M.Sc., Pharm.D., FCSHP, will speak about cholesterol management in individuals with diabetes including new laboratory data utilized in the management of dyslipidemias as well as innovative cholesterol lowering therapies.

OMG, My next client is wearing a pump! Now what? Cecilia Hamming, RN, BSN, CPT, BA(Psyc) will discuss the basics of pump therapy and describe who would be a good candidate to wear a pump. She will also describe the process to obtain a pump and identify strategies to help clients until they are seen by a Certified Pump Trainer.