Members of Can-Change A. Dragomir, V. Gosselin-Boucher, C. Laurin, K. Lavoie, and S. Bacon are seeking strategies to support health care professionals on how to address vaccine hesitancy are needed. They developed a 4-h Motivational Communication (MC) training program tailored to help physicians address hesitancy related to influenza vaccination among patients living with rheumatoid arthritis. The program increased MC competency among rheumatology physicians and promoted behavioral change among patients.
Category: Publications
Weight gain, weight management and medical care for individuals living with overweight and obesity during the COVID-19 pandemic (EPOCH Study)
Can-Change member M. Vallis co-authors a paper on the EPOCH study whose results suggest that the COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacted patient care for those living with overweight and obesity and was associated with weight gain and interfered with weight management strategies.
Ending the Pandemic: How Behavioural Science Can Help Optimize Global COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake
Can-Change members Michael Vallis, Simon Bacon, Kim Corace, Justin Presseau, Joshua Rash, and Kim Lavoie and colleagues presents a behavioural sciences framework to promote vaccine acceptance with a model that underlines the need to understand context-specific barriers to vaccine acceptance and uptake. vaccine development, distribution and promotion have not been sufficient to ensure maximum vaccine uptake.
Rethinking How to Expand the Evidence Base for Health Behavior Change in Cardiovascular Disease Prevention
Can-Change executive members K. Lavoie, S. Bacon and T.S. Campbell are leading a study to examine a tailored, technology-supported intervention aimed at increasing physical activity in healthcare professionals. The study will evaluate if additional theory-based behaviour change techniques used to promote motivation, self-regulation and habit can support increased physical activity participation relative to information alone.
Asthma and COPD patients’ perceived link between health literacy core domains and self-management of their condition
Health literacy (HL) is a person’s ability to practically apply a wide range of cognitive and non-cognitive skills, to make health-related decisions. This study, that involved Can-Change Chair Dr. Kim Lavoie, endeavored to develop a comprehensive, function-based tool that adequately and accurately measures HL skills of this patient population. Involvement of patients from initial stage allowed us to develop a tool that will serve as a first ever developed HL tool for asthma and COPD patient group.